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irrigating system中文是什么意思

用"irrigating system"造句"irrigating system"怎么读"irrigating system" in a sentence


  • 灌溉系统


  • Experiment of lawn ' s irrigating system under sprinkling irrigation
  • The increase has been especially dramatic during the past two decades in the u . s , particularly for sprinkler and drip irrigated systems
  • Takes tugou in yanchi county as an example , according to the water resources of tugou , with the implementation of farmland irrigation developments and water irrigating system and adjustment of the agriculture plants , the carrying out of technigues of the agriculture multi - plants , making tugou village a good model of water using efficiently , which provides theoretical basis for the same dry sandy area
  • Mixing nutrition needs specific control equipments and almost of all the equipments are introducing from overseas in our country now . this paper takes the system of nutrient liquid mixing and irrigating as its study object and the purpose of us is to produce new equipments which have property right and can replace the machines from overseas . based on the study of the characteristic parameters and the principles of realization we designed a new structure for the mixing and irrigating system and we have develop a new system which has quick response , easy operation and stability
用"irrigating system"造句  
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